The company is proud of its outstanding achievements in the distribution and representation of products from the global Schaeffler group, along with the Korean brands KBC, for over 30 years, starting this partnership in 1993. The company succeeded in enhancing the presence of the KBC brand in the Egyptian market and expanding its presence in the Middle East region, thanks to suitable strategies for each period

The company was able to increase its market share in the Egyptian and Middle Eastern markets in general, making it the leading brand in the Egyptian market and the most demanded over the past decade.

KBC products are known for their superior quality and are classified among the best products globally. One of the prominent features that we emphasize as the Schaeffler Korea group is the use of specialized rubber grease for agricultural and electrical machine applications. This grease withstands high temperatures, high speeds, and electrical work pressures.

An Overview of

Schaeffler Korea was established as Shinhan Bearing Industry Co., Ltd in 1953 with the aim of enhancing the machinery industry in Korea before the end of the Korean War. Since then, the company has strongly maintained its position as the largest and best ball bearing factory in South Korea to this day.

With global developments and the phenomenon of globalization, Schaeffler Korea established a partnership with the German company FAG and became a member of the Schaeffler Group. In June 2006, the company changed its name to Schaeffler Korea. In addition to producing ball bearings, Schaeffler Korea has evolved into a company that also produces many essential auto parts.

Regarding this transformation, the company has become one of the world’s best manufacturers of auto parts and industrial machinery, working with global brands such as KBC, LUK, INA, and FAG.